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Recruter une Nurse de Retour de Maternité

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Qu'est-ce qu'une nurse de retour de maternité et quand faire appel à ses services ?"

Une nurse de retour de maternité (Maternity Nurse en anglais) est une professionnelle de la puériculture spécialisée dans les soins aux nouveau-nés et l'accompagnement des jeunes mères pendant la période post-partum immédiate. Elle assure généralement les soins au nourrisson, le soutien à la mère, et aide à établir des routines d'alimentation et de sommeil.


Nos nurses sont des sages-femmes expérimentées, des infirmières diplômées et des nourrices spécialisées en maternité, toutes dévouées à fournir des soins experts aux nouveau-nés et aux jeunes mères.


 Les nurses de retour de maternité, également appelées Nurses, jouent un rôle crucial en aidant les jeunes parents à faire la transition entre l'hôpital et leur domicile.


Ces professionnelles sont souvent certifiées et détiennent une expertise approfondie dans des domaines tels que l'alimentation des nourrissons et l'allaitement, les méthodes d'apprentissage du sommeil, le soutien pendant la période post-partum, ainsi que les soins à apporter aux jumeaux ou aux bébés prématurés, pour ne citer que quelques-unes de leurs compétences spécialisées.


Il est conseillé de retenir les services d'une nurse de retour de maternité ou d'un spécialiste en soin des nouveau-nés dès que possible, idéalement dès que la date prévue d'accouchement est confirmée. Etant très demandées, les disponibilités peuvent être réservées jusqu'à un an à l'avance. Cette préparation assure non seulement la présence d'une aidante en adéquation avec vos besoins, mais permet également aux parents de vivre leur grossesse sereinement et de se préparer à l'arrivée de leur enfant dans les meilleures conditions.


Pour obtenir des conseils sur la façon de choisir la nurse qui répondra à vos attentes, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

What are the duties of a Maternity Nurse ?

The duties of a maternity nurse include:


  • Providing care for the newborn, such as bathing, changing, and dressing.

  • Assisting with breastfeeding and bottle feeding, including support for lactation issues.

  • Establishing sleep routines for the baby.

  • Monitoring the baby’s health and advising on when to seek medical attention.

  • Supporting the mother’s recovery post-delivery and providing guidance on postnatal care.

  • Educating and advising parents on infant care, including hygiene and safety.

  • Offering emotional support and reassurance to parents as they adapt to their new roles.


The role of a maternity nurse also involves contributing to the baby's development. She may take the baby for walks and engage in activities that promote growth and learning, as agreed upon with the parents.


Additionally, she maintains a clean and organized environment for the baby, including taking care of clothes, bedding, and baby care areas.


A daily diary is kept to record the baby's diet, sleep patterns, and any other pertinent information such as signs of illness, which is then communicated to the parents regularly.

Maternity Nurses FAQ

How long should I book my Maternity Nurse for?

The typical booking for a Maternity Nurse is 4 to 12 weeks, but it should be tailored to your specific needs and the level of support you require. A minimum booking for a Maternity Nurse is often 2 weeks, which allows time for the family to receive essential support and guidance immediately after the baby's arrival.

What is the schedule of a maternity nurse?

Maternity nurses are often flexible with their work patterns, typically being on call for 24 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week. They are entitled to a continuous rest period of 3-4 hours during these 24 hours and need to be provided with a separate bedroom for their time off. While they concentrate solely on the baby's needs, they are not responsible for any siblings. Furthermore, many maternity nurses are willing to travel with families, providing consistent care even when away from home.

Can a Maternity Nurse travel with our family?

Yes, many Maternity Nurses are willing to travel with families, providing consistent care even when away from home.

Does a Maternity Nurse sleep?

Yes, a maternity nurse does sleep. While they are on call for 24 hours a day, they are usually entitled to a continuous rest period of about 3-4 hours during the 24-hour period. During their rest period, they should be provided with a separate bedroom. This arrangement allows them to be well-rested and alert while they are caring for the baby and supporting the family.

Hire a Maternity Nurse Today 

If you're considering hiring a maternity nurse, submit you enquiry with us today.

For additional services and information, click this link.

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